Masterminds: A life-changing lesson from the world’s leading authority, Aaron Walker



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3 minute read

Aaron Walker knows how to change lives through mastermind groups. Aside from appearing on over 600 podcasts in the last 4 years and starting/selling multiple businesses, he’s also teaching the world about masterminds (having started one with Dave Ramsey, Dan Miller, etc, I’d say he knows what he’s talking about).

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About 9 months ago, $100k/mo blogger Rosemarie Groner chewed me out.

We sat in a crowded bar in Dallas, TX, and she offered to “bulldoze” me (i.e. tell me everything I’m doing wrong in my business).

Being the confident and brave person I am (not really, but I couldn’t say ‘no’), I said yes.

The result?

I need to start my own mastermind group.

THAT was the advice she gave me, along with a few tips on what that might actually look like…and is also the reason for this podcast with legendary entrepreneur Aaron Walker. We chat about…

  • The key benefits of a mastermind
  • Crucial mindset shifts for successful business-ing 😉
  • befriending Dave Ramsey
  • and more.

Listen to my episode with Aaron Walker:

or listen on Apple Podcasts \ Google Podcasts \ Spotify


Why a mastermind group is so insanely valuable

We can’t go through life alone. Period.

(And hey…businesses (and blogs) are BUILT on relationships too, that much we know.)

We need people around us who

  • are NOT afraid to tell us the truth, like it is.
  • can comfort and affirm us.
  • who teach us through experiential learning (I.e. through lessons learned and battles fought.

Specifically though…I, Pete McPherson, really wanted to dig out of Aaron how to orchestrate a mastermind group of my own.

Not JUST for me, as he pointed out…that might be considered “finding your own board of directors.”

(Another thing I’m supremely interested by the way)

Rosemarie pointed that out as well:

A rising tide raises all ships. A good mastermind group is one where all parties involved are helping each other flourish.

I want in.

The thing is, I’ve been unsuccessful in “finding” appropriate masterminds in the past.

I’ve been a part of no less than 5 groups, and I LOVED the people in every single one.

However, they definitely haven’t survived for the long-term, and also haven’t provided the same level of intensity and close-ness that I crave.

(That is in no way putting down the creators of those groups. They all did fantastic jobs. They were simply different types of masterminds.)

One more thing:

I WANT to hold others more accountable.

In past groups, I haven’t really been able to do that very well. I WANT to build deep, meaningful, and lasting relationships with people who will let me in to hold them accountable for their goals.

Specifically, blogging.

I did this for a few Blogger U students recently.

As part of our “grow blog traffic challenge” last month, I offered to CALL (yes, as in on their phone, in real life, to speak with them via telephone) to hold them accountable for their weekly goal.


It’s a radical idea for teaching blogging, sadly…but I REALLY wanted to do what I could to push people, and drive them to their goals.

The result?

The few that opt-in loved it. Very high praise, and it made me feel good as well.

There is absolutely NOTHING that holds bloggers more accountable than frequent and personal (on the phone!) check-ins.

I want to do more of that, hence the following…

Comment below: What have been your experiences with mastermind groups?

Have you been in one before? How did it go?

Show notes and referenced links

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