Forget blog traffic. Focus on something else instead. NOTE: All of the content is in the video. The text below just explains how and why this video was made. Watch the video, then please share it with your own blogger friends!
Let me be perfectly honest…
This video is insanely hypocritical for a few reasons.
First, I set an arbitrary website traffic goal every month as a minor check into how I’m doing. Today is the last day of January 2018, and I noticed I still have about 500 pages left to go till I hit my monthly goal.
What to do???
(Actually I went on Twitter and asked my followers what I should do, and got lots of replies like “hey me too let’s have a refresh-page party!” While they were obviously joking, and it was a funny joke at that, doesn’t it also highlight what a stupid metric traffic is?)
This video and this blog post is a direct result of me trying to get 500 extra page views in one day…just because.
Just because.
Yes, I still stand by everything said in the video above. Forget blog traffic.
Even as I found myself concerned about hitting my monthly traffic goal…In the back of my head, I was laughing.
I knew it was a stupid thing to want in the first place, hence me going on Twitter in the first place. Still, I’m glad I had the realization that traffic was coming up short for the month, as it prompted this topic.
Blog traffic is a metric to test things.
- To test what types of posts are performing better than others.
- To get an idea of what your audience wants or cares about
- To get a general sense of where your efforts are best spent on your blog
Traffic should have NO EFFECT ON THE FOLLOWING:
- Your sense of self worth as a blogger
- How good your actual blogging is
- How good your actual content is
- Whether you should quit or not
- Or anything else.
Traffic does not matter. Here’s what does:
Two things, and two things only in the long run:
- The quality of your fans.
- The quantity of your fans.
Not the quantity of your website visitors, or the quantity of your downloads…but the quality and quantity of your fans.
If you wish to care about anything in connection with your blog, let it be those two standards.
Thank you for watching and reading Do You Even Tribe.
I love you!
P.S. Please share this blog post and help me hit my monthly traffic goal.
P.P.S. lol