Admit it.
You’ve felt it.
“My audience isn’t big enough yet.”
I probably mutter that to myself roughly 3 times a week ????
The truth is, if you plan on launching an online course (or ANY other products in connection with your blog or podcast), there’s a STRONG argument for getting started today.
For one, the timing is never perfect. Second, make your mistakes now. Third, it takes a LONG time to optimize the product launch process, so the sooner you start the sooner you can optimize.
Today’s podcast guest is none other than Natalie Sisson, who has indeed launched courses. Lots, in fact!
She literally has a course called “Launch your damn course.”
Well, let’s! ????
- How to find the idea (we know how silly hard this can feel)
- How to validate the idea
- How to pre-sell and figure out pricing.
- Way more.
Here are the hand-drawn notes I took during the call with Natalie!
Online Course & other monetization resources:
- How to Monetize a Blog – my own comprehensive guide.
- Online Courses Don’t Drive Success. Here’s What Does – Melody Johnson
- Chelsea’s $90,000 PDF (the CrissCross Drill for Discovering Product Ideas)
- Podia – The platform I use to build/sell online courses and other digital products. It’s incredible.
Ok. Honest question time.
And feel free to hate on me in the comments. That’s totally ok.
Why haven’t you created your own products yet?
Is there a limiting belief there? Are you REALLY too new?
Special thanks to today’s sponsor, Freshbooks!
- Freelancer?
- Online business?
- Blogger w/ expenses and revenues?
Freshbooks is for you! It’s an incredible tool, AND it’s thanks to them the DYEB podcast is possible–so go show them some love!
Head to and enter DO YOU EVEN BLOG in the “how did you hear about us” section.