Could you START a podcast/blog for a brand? How Sarah Li-Cain became an in-demand, highly-paid freelance producer.



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1 minute read

Want to be a next-level freelancer?

Highly-paid? Sought-after?

Want to pick and choose your clients and definite your dream career doing what you REALLY want to do?

Sarah Li-Cain is a world-class podcaster, (and blogger, YouTuber, producer, freelancer–lots of stuff really), and today’s she’s stopping by to chat about partnering with companies to produce content.

She’s also just a genuinely nice & smart person! There’s loads of value in this one 😉

Listen to my episode with Sarah Li-Cain

or listen on Apple Podcasts \ Google Podcasts \ Spotify

Here some fancy-pants resources from today’s show, and related reads/listens!

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