How to Use Tailwind Tribes to Drive More Traffic in 2019 – Alisa Meredith



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26 minute read

Want more Pinterest traffic? Heard of Tailwind Tribes?

*raises hand ?‍♀️

You and me both!

The problem is, much of the Pinterest marketing advice out there is either outdated, or really conflicted.

(Remember when I had Kate Ahl on the show to talk Tribes? She pretty much said the same)

So I went to the source!

Alisa Meredith is a long-time social media marketer, and the current content marketing manager at Tailwind.

Like, the Tailwind. The best (and kinda only) choice for Pinterest marketing automation, analytics, and scheduling.

In this interview, we chat about…

  • Are group boards really dead? (for driving traffic?)
  • How to analyze Tailwind Tribes (to determine which one’s will work for YOU)
  • To what boards should you pin–and what order?
  • Re-sharing OLD content/pins vs. sharing fresh content!

And more 🙂 Enjoy!

Listen to my chat with Alisa Meredith from Tailwind

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Here’s the full interview transcript:

Alisa: Hey thanks. Happy to be here.

Pete: I’m glad you’re happy to be here. I’m also equally happy that you’re here. So before we dive into Pinterest and talk about Tailwind and tribes and some smart Loop goodness and stuff like that I thought we start off in chronological format. Believe it or not I’m actually kind of bad at that on my podcast interviews.

Alisa: Logical format. I’m intrigued now.

Pete: I know. Well Alisa if you could. What is your what’s your background how did you get into. Obviously the world of digital marketing and specifically Pinterest and social media marketing and stuff like that. What’s your background.

Alisa: Well I used to be a website designer and I was a terrible website designer. I never felt quite right to me. But that led to me creating a blog which then led to hey have you ever used Facebook for business. I said no. I use it for Scrabble. But eventually that connection with that Web site and that question led to me becoming a partner in a company called scalable social media. And we provided social media services and blogging for our franchises. So it was mainly Home Instead Senior Care franchises and also some some pest control. So you know I enjoyed that a lot but I feel like there was something in between the blogging and the social that was missing. So that’s when I started getting into email with Hubspot and found that that was really the missing the missing piece. Then eventually when Pinterest came out I thought What is this thing and how can we use it for business. So I wrote a little e-book about it just kind of figured out for myself and and shared that with with the world and I hadn’t really thought about it as something that I would offer as a service but someone asked me if I would do it for him and I said sure. Then we started blogging for the same person. Then we got him on Hubspot and I was just amazed at every turn and how much traffic and how many leads Pinterest could bring in for this company.

Alisa: And and then as the momentum really started to grow to see that the traffic that he got from Pinterest the leads you got from Pinterest equaled more than every other source combined. So.

Alisa: So even though you know that that went on for years working with this one client and then even now years since we stopped working together I can still see his Google Analytics and see that Pinterest is bringing in more traffic than everything else combined. Still still. Yeah yeah. So that all combined just tells me Pinterest really works which is why I love it so much that. And it’s it’s just a fun combination of visual of psychology and of search that just makes it really fun and it feels like sometimes the social platforms feel like a popularity contest which I’m never going to win. I don’t even really want to enter but Pinterest feels like something that you can figure out right. And you can make it work if you just apply a few simple things.

Pete: OK. So I’m–I’m glad you added in the caveat that it’s still working for that that one client today. So I have three I usually take like a little bit more notes but already somehow had this in my head before our park yesterday. Lisa I have three bullet points here. Can I get your your expertise on and I’m actually gonna start with group boards because I find them kind of fascinating and I want to get a fresh perspective on Pinterest boards and then of course I want to kind of go into retail and tribes and specifically smart loop and tailwinds. However what do we. What do we kick out that question or those questions with this the thought of is Pinterest still working today. If so for who specifically for newer bloggers who maybe started in 2017 2018 or just getting started today trying to drive traffic. Is there any advice that’s outdated like I know Pinterest can still work today of course it has to. That’s their entire business model. But out of all the stuff that’s come out over the past several years on Pinterest marketing Pinterest traffic is there anything you think we should know recently like what’s a good 20 19 update for Pinterest marketing.

Alisa: Oh goodness yeah. It’s all about fresh content. So whether that’s a new blog post or a new image for an old blog post or product listing that is where your biggest boost will come from is something new. So that’s actually really great news for new bloggers. If you search that Pinterest right now you’re going to see a lot of new content coming up even things that say right on it 2019–so that has changed.

Alisa: It used to be that the older content would keep surfacing and keep surfacing. To the point where you feel like I’ve seen that before but it really has changed and the priority is on fresh content.

Pete: That’s just a great tip to my ears for sure. I didn’t actually have this wrriten down–but I just was reminded it–what about video pins? I haven’t actually I’m not a huge Pinterest user outside of marketing I don’t blog but yeah what about video pins?

Alisa: Video pins are interesting.

Alisa: Yeah. They they’re really good for awareness right. So if you’re going to run a promoted pan campaign and he chooses video it’s gonna be an awareness campaign and I think that just reflects interests very deep understanding of how video works on Pinterest. So I have run one of those campaigns before and I got a lot of impressions and a lot of views but very few click through. So if you’re using Pinterest to generate traffic which I know us bloggers are you’re probably gonna be better off creating an image for a blog post or an image for that video and then driving that pin to a blog post with the video embedded so it can absolutely work for engagement but not as well for traffic at this point.

Pete: Interesting.

Alisa: But you know what I will go back to your previous question because I think only answer part of it. But one of the things you had brought up was group boards and it used to be that when you submitted a pin to your group board that pin could show up for all the people following all the people in that group board. But that’s really not the way Pinterest designed. Group boards to work.

Pete: So as to say the exact same amount of Kate Smith on the podcast as well.

Alisa: She’s like really funny.

Alisa: Yeah I’m not surprised. We’ve had this conversation she and I.

Alisa: But group boards are really great for collaborating for actually collaborating with people so if you are a real estate agent and you have 10 houses you want to show your client and then your client can see the board and comment on each of the images. So yes I like this one no I don’t like this one or they can add images that say find my house just like this. Right. That is absolutely the way group boards are meant to work as an actual collaboration. It’s not meant as a way to hack Pinterest distribution. So if you’re in group boards with that in mind you definitely want to check and see how those boards are performing. You can use the board insights on tailwind to do that. But when you do that you’re also going to want to check your own pins on that board and see how it’s performing because it may not be working the way it used to be and perhaps you could be investing in your time and something else.

Pete: Such as Tailwind tribes!

Pete: OK. So. Well OK let me just rant for like 60 seconds. You ought to forgive me. I just I’ve been like Holden’s women for a long time. So I’m part of the advice I give to a lot of people not just on Pinterest but like all over the place is to sit down and think about how these platforms want to be used. That mostly like social media sites and stuff like Pinterest and stuff like Google by the way like it is in Pinterest best interests to send traffic to blogs and to you know like a discovery engine a search engine and a discovery engine and it’s on Facebook so best interests to keep people on Facebook like they don’t they weren’t meant to drive traffic to your blog. That happens on occasion. And of course that’s why people run ads but ads are paid like that’s Facebook business model. However however I keep coming back to this thing where group boards may not be as effective now because hopefully Pinterest is taking a step back and be like hey we didn’t mean for this to just be like instant auto traffic for like the first year the group boards are like a thing. People would like join three or four group boards some of which had like hundreds of thousands of followers in the booth. They had access to like hundreds of thousands of followers just like you said. Part of me wants to realize that on these platforms there still might be like a little room for hacking. Like it or not like if you play by the rules or not play by the rules. Please do abide by the rules but for example what’s the next group boards. A bunch of people ask that like what’s the next hack. What’s the next way to take advantage of X Y Z social media platform. And while my answer is usually treat the platform like it was meant to be treated and that’ll benefit your long term part of me still a cynic can be like you know what. Sometimes these things can’t be hacked a little bit. So sorry that was a rant. You don’t need to come in unless you want to but I just had to put that out there.

Alisa: Well I do have a question for you. OK so you stated that it’s in Pinterest best interest to send traffic from Pinterest to your website and I’m just curious as to why you say that.

Pete: Well I have two things to say. One that may not actually be true. I hereby admit that I’m not an authority. And the more I think about it and the more you see additions like showing actual recipes like kind of transitioning into showing more content on the pinchers platform rather than having to click through and actually go to like some blog The more I was shy away from that but that’s to answer your question. It seems like it is the whole reason Pinterest exists is to find content for people who. Neither content and want the content right for wedding ideas. People go on there to save wedding ideas and hopefully inspire them to have new ideas that they can bring to their wedding reception or whatever. I don’t know. It just seems like it was always built as a way to give content for people who want it and need it. Does that not the case do you disagree.

Alisa: No not at all and I just really wanted to dig deeper into why you felt that way because you know any platform that wants to monetize it is to some extent in their best interest to keep people on the site. However I think you hit on on the reason why it works. I think you know of course if pinchers could give us everything we needed on their platform we never have to leave it to some extent it would be worth you know good for them. But on the other hand there is this partnership right. So. So pinchers couldn’t exist without this amazing content. And what is the motivation for us to create amazing content. Is that Pinterest is gonna send us traffic. Right. So it’s just really nice give and take that that I think makes Pinterest really work and gets creators excited about using it.

Pete: I completely agree. And I’m glad you put it that way. A lot more eloquently than I I rambled on to answer your question or. Thank you for asking. By the way that actually helps me to clarify it as well. But I would if I was I prepare for a great job that’s where it’s good podcasting. That’s good part yes. OK. So do boards slowly but surely going the way the dodo at least in terms of packing it for quick traffic going back to what Pinterest probably originally wanted in the first place. So let’s transition a little bit to tail tribes and full disclosure. So Alisa do you work for tailwind? Is this correct I’m a little confused now.

Alisa: Yes. I am the content marketing manager at Tailwind.

Pete: I just wanna go and disclose it.

Alisa: No. You know what.

Alisa: It’s I started with my marketing agency years ago and as soon as anyone would sign up for Pinterest it was written right in the contract. You must have a tailwind plus account. Because I was not going to analyze and maintain Pinterest for somebody without tailwind. So it’s something that I believed in for a long time before I joined the team. And even more so now.

Alisa: I just want to disclose that. I mean I haven’t my affiliate for two and a half I can feel free to go sign up but in general I won’t talk about tail end and you’re gonna talk about when and blah blah blah. You just do it. Okay. So if they do tail on tribes I want to ask two three questions. 1 How do I find good tribes. I look good. You can’t see me right now but I look good in quotation marks.

Pete: How do I analyze Tailwind Tribes?

Alisa: Well what you I mean there are a couple different things you’re going to get out of a tribe right. So it depends on what you’re looking for. One thing about tail and tribes has really surprised me is that I have discovered new bloggers in my niche. I didn’t know they were out there and they’re creating this great content. So that’s one way to define success. Another way of course is to see how much re sharing you’re getting on the content that you put in there. Obviously you’re you’re hoping that people will find your content compelling and want to share it with their audience as well so you can analyze how many shares you’re getting and how many reopens on those shares. And the third thing would be what kind of content are you finding in there. Is it is it content that is valuable to your followers as well.

Alisa: So if you’re finding that you know you’re sharing 80 90 percent of what’s in there that’s a great that’s a great tribe you love that if you’re finding that you’re making you’re creating relationships with people who you can then do like a roundup blog post with or other projects that you can collaborate on.

Alisa: That’s an that’s a fabulous tribe. If if you’re not finding that I suggest that you create your own tribe and first invite people that you’re working with anyway to build a really strong base for that tribe and then start inviting other people in as well.

Pete: Let me let me ask you this. Yeah I’m getting more questions as I ask you more questions. So let’s say someone is a part of 0 2 and tribes whatsoever but they have the plus account or they have some tailwind but they’re still based on credits. I’m sorry my intern runs my tail when it counts I’m not exactly sure.

Alisa: No it’s not credits but you do get a number of free tribes with your plus account. That’s right. You can be five tribes or free.

Pete: Yeah that’s right. OK. Also we’ll say people are out there listening they’re on Pinterest. They’ve done some Pinterest marketing. They got a blog but they are a part of zero tribes and they open up when they go to the tribes interface or dashboard if you will like us what what should they look for right then like before they’re even on drives like when they’re searching for them. There are a few metrics I should just go and point this out there within that dashboard that will actually tell you like a A rating right. I’m actually logging in right now so I can get refreshed on the specific language you look at.

Alisa: So if you’re not in any tribes at all yet you’re going to want to start with. Find a tribe and it’ll give you different points so you can start start your search.

Alisa: But then yeah there’s a ranking for how active it is then. Then if you click through on a tribe you’re interested in joining. You won’t be able to see all the details but you’ll be able to see that the kind of content that’s in there and kind of figure out is this is a good fit for me. Am I creating content that would fit well in here. And is this the kind of content that I’m gonna want to share with my followers as well.

Pete: Gotcha. OK. OK. Yeah. Sorry I was. Activity. That’s a little the graph I was talking about also has the number of members and. Yeah lots of tags that have descriptions. Sorry for people who can’t see this. I’ll do a blog post with this by the way at least so I’ll have like screenshots. Oh yeah yeah. Talking and generics here.

Alisa: So the great thing about tribes like a lot of people are familiar with Facebook groups where you’re sharing each other’s content either on Pinterest or somewhere else. And those can work. But with the tail and tribe the tribe owner and ad men can see the activity level of each member of the tribe. So if I own or I’m an admin on a tribe I can I can look at how many pieces of content a person has added in and how many they’ve shared out. So unlike in maybe a Facebook group or group you can see if someone is just kind of dumping in all their content and then leaving without adding any sharing to the group. So it’s a nice way to kind of ensure that everybody stays active and sharing content.

Pete: So really quick you get five tribes on the free plan is that right or just a plus plan?

Alisa: Well you yeah either in your free trial or on your plus plan you can be in five tribes and you can have….

Alisa: You can submit 30 pens. So that means like if you’re in five tribes you can submit six to each of them.

Pete: Okay. This is going like really granular here by the way. How often also say what you personally like how often do you go in your own tail when tribes and do management you don’t I mean like once a week every single day like how how much time do you spend in there doing analysis as well as finding other people’s good content repainting and adding your own stuff right.

Alisa: Right. So I typically add my own stuff as soon as I publish a new post. Just because it’s part of my workflow and I don’t want to forget to do it. But as far as sharing other people’s content that’s about once a week. What I what I like that we’ve added a kind of recently is your own activity and analysis. So when you have your little dropdown Board you’re a little dropdown that shows you all of your tail and tribes. And if you have like a little orange bar that means you haven’t been in there in a while. You should we give that tribe some love. I try to keep my mind on all three green bars which means I’ve been very active in there. Yeah. So just a good reminder of because especially if you get kind of a lot of tribes you can easily forget to get to the bottom of your list. So it’s just a nice little reminder. But once a week is it is is good and then you loaded up your cue with all kinds of great content for the week too. OK.

Pete: I guess this is not specifically tribes related but you mentioned two and that pulled me down in my notes to a separate bullet point. How often do you recommend posting every single day OK.

Alisa: There is no magic number. I know people always want a magic number.

Alisa: I mean just if if you need a number maybe 5 10 15 100 pins a day. Definitely not necessary. It kind of depends on how much content you’re putting out. So technically there is no reason that you have to share someone else’s content which I know just feels wrong. And most of us want to share because we have that kind of collaborative mindset. But there is no magic ratio a lot of people will say 80 percent other people’s content and 20 percent mine or they’ll just reverse it. It’s just kind of an arbitrary figure that doesn’t really mean anything. That said if you’re if you’re not able to create new content every day. Yeah it’s good to be consistently pinning so share other people’s content.

Pete: What about resharing your own? So at the top of the show you mentioned fresh content tending to perform well. What about how many times would you suggest recycling if you had a new blog post. You just hit publish. You’re gonna go add it to your Qs and maybe some tribes and stuff like that. How often or how many times.

Alisa: OK so you should first save it to the most relevant board that you have. So if you have an article about let’s say a Pinterest group boards then you’re going to share it to your Pinterest marketing board rather than your content marketing board or your build blog traffic board first. Right.

Alisa: So that way you’re giving Pinterest a sort a strong signal. Okay here’s my new content and here is exactly what it’s about. It’s about Pinterest marketing. So Pinterest kind of reads all those signals. If you had if you saved it to a board called spaghetti recipes you’re really not helping Pinterest help you with content distribution. So give them as many cues as you can about where this pinch to show up and search. So that’s your first save right there.

Alisa: Next you want to make sure it gets to every relevant board that you have.

Alisa: I choose to use interval pinning on talent so I’ll send it out like maybe once a day or once a week just to get to all the relevant boards Now once that’s done there is a case to be made for re sharing your content and that gets into smartly. So if you have seasonal content that should be shared in the season which people are are looking for it. So what smart loop lets you do is to create kind of kind of a collection of content that should be going out let’s say in time for Thanksgiving and it will it will send that out for you every year because that’s when people are looking for that content and it will give you a distribution boost at that time. The other case is that there is a follower following tab on Pinterest that is getting some activity. So if you are gaining followers then your followers haven’t seen all of your old content. So reach share it there. And even if you if you’re old followers are still around they may not have seen it the first time either.

Alisa: So you can share it you know every four to six months Pinterest really doesn’t want extremely aggressive re sharing because it can feel a little spammy it makes for not a super great user experience but that kind of reasonable re sharing can still work.

Pete: OK.

Alisa: I think the key thing to remember is that you’re your first time you share it is going to give you the absolute biggest benefit.

Pete: So make sure it goes to a board that is hyper relevant.

Alisa: Exactly. You don’t have one create one.

Pete: OK. Well that brings up a good question. Then let’s say I have I don’t know if you went and looked at the do you have a blog Pinterest account but it has never touched in like nine months away.

Pete: OK. So let’s say I have not. This is not even hypothetical. This is just the truth. Alisa let’s say I have a pretty decent amount of boards but they are a little bit broad there. I mean some of are more specific than others but I will say I’m penning a new blog post and I don’t have one that is very specific but want to create a new one should I make that a secret board or should I just go ahead and hit publish. Even though there’s only gonna be like one pen and it don’t mean like. There used to be the advice to fill it up first and then publisher. That still the case or is it changed right.

Alisa: You know I used to give that advice as well so have a secret board give it about 20 pounds before you set a public but people for the most part are not going to your profile and browsing through your boards. So most of what’s happening is in search. People are looking for something specific so they don’t really care if you’re bored or only has a couple pins on it.

Alisa: That said you know if if this is if this is an area of content that’s important to you you probably are going to start adding more pins to it whether it’s adding other people’s PINs for your inspiration or or to engage your followers or because you’re going to start just creating more content and kind of related to that is you should probably be making more than one image for every blog post that’s going out. And the reason for that is the way Pinterest looks at fresh content is that it either is a brand new you URL that you’ve published and shared on Pinterest or it’s a brand new image.

Alisa: So if you try creating new images with different text on that image because they are reading the text on your image right. So put went out with one set of keywords try one with another set of keywords and I’m not talking like stuffing your images with keywords at all. Right. So it’s still going to be an interesting text on image to inspire people to action but try different text on image try different styles of women as long as there’s still some kind of connection with the feel of your blog when they get there. Yeah. That that’s like the best way to multiply your traffic results from a piece of content create new images for Pinterest.

Pete: OK. How does that fall in with your posting schedule or your recycling schedule like when you you’ve been to the most relevant board first with whatever emulates you think will perform best or what. You get keywords in there. Mm hmm. How do you introduce that second image. Like a month or two later or do you just alternate?

Pete: Right off the get go if you already have a created–you know what I mean?

Alisa: You know I I see people do this in a couple different ways. I’m. It kind of depends on your workflow. So my tendency would be to create them all upfront and just start saving them upfront. I mean really there’s no reason to wait because it is all fresh content and they’re not going to look exactly alike. They’re going to appeal to different people. So unless you’re doing like 10 for a blog post and you’re sending them all out right next to each other. You’re probably OK to send them all out pretty quickly.

Pete: Does that include tribes as well?

Alisa: Yeah. So that’s kind of where I see this happening. Tribes I think is a little bit different because what you have in a tribe is pretty highly engaged audience. So in a tribe I’ve seen people do side by side two different images for the same blog post know me as a tribe member. I’m only going to probably share one of those but I’m going to pick the one I like better and share it. But if they were to add it in like adding one this week add in one next week I’ve probably forgotten I shared the first one I might not even recognize it’s the same thing and I’m probably going to share them both right. It’s just the way people work right.

Pete: All right I have another question while we’re kind of on this topic here. How often I know you come in with a little bit of tail and try some management like once a week you said how often would you say you are posting your content to each tailwind?

Alisa: Whenever it comes out. So I I don’t personally read share to tail and tribes but as long as it’s not against the rule of your particular tribe and they all have different rules because the owners can set those up you could do that at a reasonable rate.

Alisa: But I think it kind of goes back to something you said earlier about using a platform in the way it was intended. So with Pinterest whether you’re on pictures natively and thinking about the following tab or if you’re in tribes and thinking about your tribe mates think about the experience that you’re creating.

Alisa: If somebody was looking over your shoulder at what you’re shooting out to the following Tab does that does that look like spam. Does it look like you’re trying to game the system and kind of disrupt the experience or does it look organic and feel organic and the same thing is in tribes right.

Alisa: Like if if every Thanksgiving time you share your Thanksgiving recipes that completely makes sense. But if you’re just sharing them every two weeks throughout the year that gets annoying and just becomes noise. So we never want to be that person on any platform.

Pete: I think that’s generally good advice. I agree. Actually as you’re saying that I was like Oh man I should go in and check what what my my little team has done on our own team. When I go out. OK I like this. I think this is good discussion. I’m trying to think if I have any more questions. That’s all I wrote down. Do you have any parting advice any growing trends you’ve noticed over the past couple of months or something like that could be tail later could be general Pinterest marketing or anything else come to mind, Alisa? If not totally ok.

Alisa: I think that the key right now is content and I know creators have heard this and they’re tired of it and they feel like I can’t possibly do it anymore. But really that’s where it’s coming from and it’s not like to what you said before it’s not about finding the new hack right. Because through one thing that that’s only going to work for so long and for another. When you invest in quality and inspiring content for Pinterest that works for years so that that guy I was tell you about. My first client. He hasn’t penned in years but he still gets more traffic from Pinterest than everything else combined. So rather than thinking I you know I I can’t afford toV.A. or I don’t have an extra an image or to think about the fact that this is going to pay off for years and years to come it’s not like a second Facebook image that may or may not get seen by anybody and then it’s gone. This is going to keep working for you so try to prioritize that. If if traffic is what’s important to you prioritize creating new content.

Pete: I am curious though because you we have been talking a lot about producing fresh content and new pens and images for existing content. Was that like the traffic that your client still gets even though he has a pen and a little time. Is that from the original pens. I’m sure. That’s like a long term as well. It seemed in contrast to this idea of like new fresh content or am I making doesn’t it.

Alisa: No. So what can happen is that other people open your content.

Alisa: And they’re not just pinning from your website they’re they’re saving your old pens. And I also wanted to bring in a smart loop is about re sharing content but it’s about re sharing intentionally and at an interval that makes sense on the platform. But my very favorite thing about smart and if you haven’t been in there I suggest you check this out are the analytics on each pin. So Pinterest gives good analytics but what I love about smart loop is that you can see like the overall success of a particular. So maybe I have like. An average of four depends on each pin that goes out from this loop but then I can look through to every single pin and that loop and see how that one is doing.

Alisa: And when I start to look at the ones that are proving to the ones that are not doing as well I can start to see patterns in the content that works really well. And also the design of the pins that do really well which can help you learn more abou how to create content in the future that does well on Pinterest.

Pete: I’m hitting you with all these newbie questions. Do you add other people’s content to your smart loops.

Alisa: Well I do. I think you know it helps it.

Alisa: I have unlimited smart you know. Because it’s stolen. But I also do because sometimes people write about us about talent. And of course they say nice things. And I want to get that content free sharing as well.

Pete: That makes sense. Yeah.

Alisa: All right. So when we have new followers I want that to show up and they’re following. Yeah.

Pete: I love it.

Pete: I love it. It’s good talk. I have taken a vision of zero. Elisa. So thank you for that. And can I ask you one more question that I asked to just about all the guests that come on the show?

Alisa: Sure but now I’m scared.

Pete: No. OK. This always gets a good response. This can seem a little negative but this always gets a good response. So Alisa in your opinion.

Pete: What is or one thing that other bloggers should stop doing immediately?

Alisa: I guess–stop freaking out.

Alisa: So you know a lot of creator content creators will say I wants. We want to know what works right. We want more guidelines. We want more insight into the inner workings of whatever platform.

Alisa: But then when those platforms try to do that there is an uproar. Why is everything changing. So for example with Pinterest the the advice for image size has always been aspect ratio should be two to three right.

Alisa: Always always has been but every time that comes up and anytime they try to provide guidance on the size of a pin like say six hundred by nine hundred pixels people will say oh why are they always changing that. That’s not a change. That’s just them trying to put it another way to help us understand it. So I think if creators could look at these platforms as more of a collaboration and a partnership together as opposed to some kind of adversarial relationship then they could look at these things that come out and say Well OK here’s a new guideline what what is this. Why does this make sense. How can I use it to benefit my followers. That’s that’s what I would like to see.

Pete: No I like that. Alisa where can people follow you? Obviously wind up outcome give a day on a lot. Yeah I suppose so but work and people follow you personally.

Alisa: So I’m also Alisa M Meredith on Pinterest and Instagram and Twitter. You can find me there I also have a blog. where I indulge my love of Pinterest advertising.

Pete: I could totally go for like another hour on promote happiness. We’ll just have to do this again.

Pete: Yeah we’ll do around here sometime soon. I wanna hear that OK. Alisa thank you for coming on. I appreciate you sharing your insights. I encourage everybody to go follow your whereabouts on Pinterest specifically. Quite frankly when I asked that I was like Oh of course she’s gonna say come find me on Pinterest. Alisa Meredith.

Pete: So That’s it. Thank you for your time and thanks for coming on.

Alisa: Thank you. Enjoyed it!

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