Lessons Learned From Joining Toastmasters International: Melissa Neacato



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1 minute read

I’m about to make a big, bold statement:

The single most important skill for successful entrepreneurship is the ability to communicate.

  • Writing blog posts people CARE about
  • Sending sales emails
  • Sales of ANY KIND actually
  • way more

The ability to communicate ideas is something we need to train ourselves in constantly.

Poor communication skills = slower audience growth fo sho.

THAT is why I invited my good friend Melissa on today’s podcast (find her new podcast, Her EnterpRISE, here).

Aside from being an inspiring & kind human, she also has some cool experiences that I think can help us become better communicators, speakers, and writers 🙂


Listen to my episode with Melissa Neacato:

or listen on Apple Podcasts \ Google Podcasts \ Spotify


If you want similar content to binge on, go listen to this chat with Bethany Bayless (who as also been a part of Toastmasters actually).

Ciao blog tribe!

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