You might remember Alex (Broke is a Choice) from a previous episode: How to translate blogging goals into WHAT you should focus on.
One of the things I LOVED about that chat was this: Alex created a blog for a very different reason that 99% of us.
But that was in month 1 of his blog, essentially.
What about now? 1 year in?
Well, it turns out he’s crushing it, hence this unedited and unfiltered conversation 🙂
There is no accompanying blog post for this episode. Sorry!
I’m hard at work building my new hyper-personalized “choose your own path” blogging email course, and sending out world-class newsletter-only-uber-exclusive content to my tribe, which you can join here!
Seriously though, lately I’ve been creating way more content for the email list only.
Go join! The water’s warm.