A Beginner’s Guide to PROGRAMMATIC SEO – Allison Seboldt



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3 minute read

I’ve been in the SEO world for 13 years…

…and this conversation with Allison Seboldt (Twitter here, creator of PageFactory) BLEW MY MIND.

I’ve heard of “programmatic SEO” for years–but only recently started diving in.

And when I asked Twitter for “who should I learn programmatic SEO from,” Allison’s name was at the top of everybody’s recommendations!

In this chat 👇

  • What is Programmatic SEO?
  • How do we find the data for these websites?
  • How to select a niche for programmatic SEO
  • And way more.


Listen to my episode with Allison Seboldt:

or listen on Apple Podcasts \ Google Podcasts \ Spotify

And here are some of my top takeaways:

What is programmatic SEO?

Programmatic SEO is a specific style of publishing content for Google search, and mostly involves using content templates to dynamically create content (in bulk) based on a dataset.

  1. Have interesting data
  2. Create content templates
  3. Use a tool (like PageFactory) to transform that data into blog posts at scale (thousands at a time, even!)
  4. ALL BASED ON Google search queries and user intent, as always!

Instead of creating each blog post individually, you’re creating BULK content “programmatically” using data.

Think “mail merge.”

What are some real-world examples of programmatic SEO?

Here are a few I like:


Levels.io has gathered data from his users and has used that to create individual pages.


Want to know the latest price of FILL_IN_THE_BLANK currency? Or stock?

Constantly updating data is PERFECT for programmatic SEO (since you wouldn’t want to individually update stock price blog posts every minute/hour/day!)

Sites like CoinDesk are built using powerful code though–probably not accessible to most of us.


This is Allison’s example programmatic site, and it’s really well done!

This is a MUCH better example of an accessible topic that any of us could create.

How to find niches for programmatic SEO

It’s not quite as simple as “choosing a topic I’m interested in” or even “choosing a topic based on keyword research.”

Finding a niche for a programmatic site boils down to a few things:

  1. What’s a question that people ask about a RANGE of different things?
  2. I.e. finding patterns
  3. Is there suitable and/or interesting data I can use to answer those questions?

Here’s an example niche:

Baseball stats.

There are a ton of baseball teams, their related cities, players, etc.

People might be asking the same questions for DIFFERENT teams:

If you can find a great dataset (spreadsheet) for baseball stats, you could possibly whip up several hundreds blog posts with the following:

  • When did the Braves win the world series?
  • When did the Mets win the world series?
  • etc

Or the following…

  • When did the Braves move to Atlanta?
  • When did the Pirates move to Pittsburgh?
  • When did the Marlins move to Florida?

I didn’t actually research those last ones, but it was just a quick idea I had. You’ll always want to check to make sure people are searching for these!

Niche Selection Pro Tip: Long-tail is king.

Rather than doing keyword research to find 100 articles you could create, you’d be looking to create 1,000+.

Search volume is much less important for each individual keyword!

If you only see 10-100 searches a month for a KW, that’s ok in programmatic SEO.

Where to find datasets for Programmatic SEO

There are a few places that are just BUILT for data:

  • Kaggle.com
  • Datahub.io
  • Data.gov

You can search these sites easily enough, but there are also several communities on Reddit to find interesting data.

There are constant posts with interesting data there, and everybody links to the source data (which is publicly available to anybody).

Past these, you might just start with a Google search for the data you’re looking for!

So you have data and keyword ideas, next up is creating a content template!

You won’t be creating 1,000 articles by hand.

You’ll be creating a few templates up front, and filling the templates in dynamically with the data (to bulk produce content).

This is where Allison S’s tool comes in handy.

Where to learn more about Programmatic SEO.

First, I HIGHLY recommend checking out PageFactory’s free course for more on creating these templates.

Second, go follow people like Allison and Ian Nuttell on Twitter.

They’re constantly dropping gems.

Questions? Drop me a comment 🙂

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