Blogger Burnout: 12 bloggers give their top tips.



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Blogger burnout is real.

Yes–it causes bloggers to quit, but it also causes something else:

A serious loss of motivation and/or focus.

(I feel the need to insert a blurb for Online Impact, which launches next week. A supportive community is a HUGE part of it’s business model. “No Blogger Left Behind.”)

See below for different bloggers’ tips for combatting burnout…BUT I also have something else for you…

Jason from The Wealth Hound guest-hosting my podcast!

You can listen below to his story on burnout, as well as his strategy.

Listen to Jason Guest-hosting the DYEB podcast here:

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We’ve all been there.

You’re used to grinding and hustling and driving away at your blog content and marketing. Gotta grow, gotta grow, gotta grow, when BAM.

Well, good news. Below, several bloggers weighed in with tips to make you a content-producing machine WITHOUT all the monthly burnouts.

After all, you are unlikely to hit those blog revenues goals in the long term if you can’t even stick around to the long term.

After the blogger comments, be sure to catch the PPBP framework for avoiding burnout, and the “Rule of Dieting. And Blogging” below that 🙂 🙂

June 2018 Update: 2 huge tips

These came straight from Jason on the podcast:

1 – Remember why you started your blog

This can be a HUGE dose of motivation, and can ALSO help you adopt a “zero f$&#s given” attitude that can help you get back on track.

(More on that below)

remember why
I felt I had to make a graphic about this one.

Why you’d start this journey to build a killer blog?

Was it to make money? Was it just for a fun hobby?

How can you make it fun again? How can you forget the growth strategies and present a fun product in a day?

Get back to your roots–and STAY in touch with WHY you started your blog in the first place.

Fantastic advice.

2 – Not every post has to fall in line with your growth strategy

Oh screw it. I’mma make a graphic for this one too.

not every post has to be strategic

Not every post has to be 1,000% optimized for SEO. Or Pinterest.

It doesn’t have to fall on your content calendar.

It doesn’t have to be a certain word count.

There are no rules in blogging. It’s YOUR BLOG.

Yes, growth is important. Traffic strategies are mandatory. Without them, you’re nowhere.

But not every post HAS to fall in line with that.

Sometimes, you just gotta say what needs to be said and what keeps YOU interested in your blog.

Keep calm and blog on: Bloggers weigh in:


Turn everything blog-related off. Lose myself in a workout. Play with my son (ALWAYS helps me put everything in perspective.)

*Donatello from Octavian Journal:*

I try to balance how much I work on my blog; not too much, and not too little.

If you do too much, you get tired and want to quite.

If you do too little, then you feel as if your time is wasted on something miniscule.

If you fly between the two, it’s a joy to blog.

*Jamaican Dawta from IrieDiva*

I take a break and actually go live life. I think it’s more important to write pieces that will resonate instead of writing because I’m on some sort of schedule. When I have nothing new I simply promote older pieces.

When I take that break, I’m always so much more motivated when I put my head back in the game. Life stirs creativity and when I’m experiencing burnout it’s usually because there’s too much routine grind and not enough mindful living

*Rogue Dad, M.D.*

I ensure that I have things I enjoy outside of blogging. And I intentionally set up a blogging pace that I can maintain in all but the most hectic times.

*Sarah from Smile and Conquer*

I find that giving in to the burnout for 24 hours works for me. Forcing it just makes me more frustrated.

I also turn to fellow bloggers and try to get inspired by their posts.

*Dreamer Money*

Listen to podcasts and bloggers that are killing it. Use it as motivation, while taking a walk/working ou

*K.P. @ Hungry Being*

I take a few days off. Double down content consuption from Gary Vaynerchuk, Andy Frisella, and Dave Ramsey. Nothing like a good mix of the kick in the pants and a pat on the back to keep you going.

Pete McPherson from Do You Even Blog

I decided to make a YouTube video for mine, also featuring the PPBP method below.

*Millennial MD*

Take time out to actually organize my thoughts and brainstorm. Having a process makes the whole thing less of a giant event! Other then that, I just take a breath and mentally allow myself to step away for a week or two.

Oh and mentally try to keep myself from comparing to others blogs and fretting over whether I’m keeping up (the hardest part imo)

*Kelan from The Savvy Couple*

Take vacations. Being an entrepreneur is definitely a grind.

Still learning how to “turn it off” every now and then.

*Melissa from Flea Market Flipper*

I just planned 5 days camping on the beach for the weekend after our launch. I sooooo need it.

*Veronica from Passion by Girl*

I just watch a movie or work on my latch hook kit. Right now I’m working on a mini rug of Mickey Mouse and it’s really relaxing 😛

Also if I’m overwhelmed I’ll take a step back and see what can be done another day. I’m trying to do batch work right now so all my writing can be done in one day, and then marketing can be done another day.

*Kayla Sloan* (also coming on the podcast soon to talk about 10k VA)

I’m a fighter, so I usually try to fight through it. Not the healthiest option, so I’m working on changing my ways to take a break more often.

Here’s my own “PPBP” system for combatting blogger burnout:

1 – Patience

Blogging is a long-term game.

I KNOW you want that sexy traffic NOW. Those affiliates revenues NOW.

It can be so dang difficult to remember that blogging is truly a long-form game.

We know this, yet we forget.

It also reminds me something I heard on the T-dawg Ferriss podcast recently:

“We often OVER-estimate what we can accomplish in a day, and UNDER-estimate what we can accomplish in a year.

2 – Pacing

The slow and steady blogging tortoise wins the race.

Consistency is key here.

Be prolific, sure, but produce content consistently at steady intervals. More specifically, interval that work for YOU.

Sadly, the only way to truly get into a flow-like pattern is to discover it through trial and error. When we start blogs, we have no idea how best to work and maintain a steady pace for publishing.

With any luck though, we find out.

Pace yourself. Don’t try to conquer the world all at once. Conquer it steadily 😉

3 – Balance (of content)

Another huge reason bloggers fail and get burnt out is because they’re replicating the same format and functional content…3 days a week forever.


Variety is the spice of life, and blogging. Switching up your format, or even your content topics (if you want to), can keep things interesting and help you avoid boredom and burnout.

Bad news good news

Bad news = pro bloggers say you need to constantly design your posts for SEO, optimize content around opt-ins for lead magnets, and always be solving your reader’s problems.

Good news = pro bloggers are wrong.

You run your blog, and that means you can quite literally publish whatever content you desire.

Switch it up and get personal. If you’re frequently personal, switch it up and dive deep on a learning topic. Take video with your cell phone.

Keep it interesting. For you.

4 – Periods of Rest

This could be a certain day of the week (i.e. I don’t blog on the Sabbath), or a weekend every month.

Schedule it out. On a calendar.

If it helps to think of R&R as “sharpening the axe,” then go for it. You can cut trees with an axe that’s worn dull.

Rest is not counter-productive or lazy. Rest is critical to productivity.

The Rule of Dieting. And blogging.

What’s the “best” diet?

(watch me rank for “best diet” keywords on the Googles now)

Keto? Paleo? Atkins? Whole 30? Pizza?

Nope. The best diet is the one you’ll actually stick to.

What’s the best way to blog?

3x per week? 10x per week? Podcast AND blog AND YouTube?

Nope. The best way to blog is the way you’ll actually stick to.

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It’s good.

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