This is a BONUS unedited chat with the legendary Robert Farrington from The College Investor. We sat and recorded this live at FinCon18 in Orlando, FL. Robert’s the man, and has built up an insanely impressive business from his blog. Enjoy!
We chat about:
- how Robert went back through his site and revamped a system for monetization (i.e. just updating old content really)
- should you ever change your domain name?
- why his first “turning point” was connecting with other bloggers
- how new bloggers can better connect with companies and brands
That last one is a huge marketing opportunity in my opinion.
Listen to my episode with Robert from The College Investor
or listen on Apple Podcasts \ Google Podcasts \ SpotifyQuick note on updating old blog posts:
I already wrote about my “POO” strategy here: How to update old blog posts for improved SEO.
POO = Page One Opportunities 😉
Also, as I start to accumulate more and more content myself, I’ve been toying with this idea of scaling back new content operations.
It’s actually what prompted this post on where bloggers should spend their time.
Just thought I’d throw those out there today–in case other people have been thinking the same thing when they listen to people like Robert!
Who, by the way, can be found at 🙂